
The Creative Room: a space for inspiration

In the fast-moving world of cosmetics, where trends are forever changing, a steady stream of ideas is essential to make a product stand out. That's why Quadpack has inaugurated The Creative Room, a dedicated space at its flagship headquarters where design and marketing specialists can brainstorm new ideas and packaging concepts.

Shelves surround the room with samples and products on the market, while breathtaking views over Barcelona stimulate blue-sky thinking.

A wall-mounted digital display allows the team to try out new designs. Together, they can view and play with 3D renders created by Quadpack Bespoke in real time.

Product Marketing Manager Stephanie Padilla says:

"In our industry, we have to be creative to succeed. The Creative Room places creative thinking at the heart of our operation. It gives us the space we need to bounce ideas off each other, to brainstorm, to be inspired. This energy is what leads us to that crucial something that gives our clients competitive edge."

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