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Cosmoprof Bologna: first-hand beauty and packaging trends

From the metaverse to healthification, beauty brands are looking at all the trends that will affect the future of cosmetics

Besides being one of the largest professional beauty events worldwide, Cosmoprof Bologna is known for its far reach: manufacturers, laboratories and brands of all cosmetics categories go there to have a hint of the trends that will shape the future of beauty. In 2022, the first on-site edition since the pandemic, participants were eager to reconnect and discover the ideas their clients and competitors were brewing up in the last two years. Here are some of the trends we spotted on our Cosmoprof Bologna visit:

Fluid beauty – from the formula to the story, brands are increasingly open to the genderless and ageless market positioning. The growing number of male makeup and skincare consumers, including products like nail polish, are making brands ‘degenderise’ claims and aesthetics. The same logic works for older consumers, targeted not only for anti-ageing products but also trendy makeup and beauty tech.

“Beauty is the power of ‘you’. When we are allowed to be who we are, it translates into beauty,” Sam Cheow, Head of Make up Innovation, Portfolio & Product Innovation at Estée Lauder.

Fun & flexible – makeup and skincare solutions that allow consumers to express themselves and adapt their choices according to the season, social occasion or mood are among the hottest trends. Mix-it-yourself formulas, unexpected colours for lips and face, and makeup solutions for online and offline alter-egos are some of the highlights. Who says we can’t have yellow cheeks?

Science meets wellness – the pandemic accelerated self-care solutions, but with a pinch of technology. Consumers are willing to share personal data for something in return: a diagnosis rather than a product. Traditional beauty brands are gaining new competitors, as calming scents and healthy ingredients are being added to a variety of products, from pillows to home tech devices.

A meta future? – new forms to connect and collaborate are guiding this change that is making its first steps. While some brands argue we are already in a metaverse, alternating our offline and online lives, using filters and backgrounds as digital mirrors, others warn that its dark side must not be ignored. The so-called ‘zoomdismorphia’, when people tend to find more flaws in themselves by looking at their own faces in web conferences, is affecting their self-confidence and perception.

Sustainable values – more than products, brands must sell their values and purpose. Through social impact, environmental action, carbon emissions reduction and transparent commitment to sustainability, brands must ‘walk the talk’. This is where sustainable packaging solutions are making a difference according to brands, who are investing in collaboration and research to reduce their impact.

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