2019, a remarkable year
2019 has been a remarkable year. As the world and our market claimed for more socially and environmentally responsible companies, we started the year with a very clear commitment in our minds: to be sustainable by heart. As packaging providers, we have a big responsibility towards our planet and communities, so we decided to carry out ambitious plans. We’ve successfully achieved many of them and I’m proud and grateful for what the year has brought to us all.
We made two important deals that placed us among the 10 beauty packaging providers in Europe: the acquisition of Louvrette, which greatly increased our production capability and commercial power, and the purchase of Inotech’s patents and full cosmetic business, together with a long-lasting innovation partnership. These deals helped us to go the extra mile - combining Quadpack’s and Louvrette’s results, we will have achieved our financial budget and exceeded €130m in sales.
Having inaugurated a new chapter for our business entering Euronext Growth, we have better access to more funding and market visibility, but also maturity regarding regulations, governance and reporting. We can say we are now more global, competitive and going in the right direction.
We are also focusing on important business strategies that will help us reduce our carbon footprint, be closer to our customers and develop our surrounding communities; one of them is RePack, a respectful pact where we commit to only manufacture products that are either recyclable, replaced, reduced or reusable. Sustainability has been incorporated in what we do and in how we do it, every step of our way, going beyond mere market trends. We’re walking the talk.
As regards innovation, we are launching new business models and providing new services, defining more efficient processes. Our biomass plant works in Torelló have started and will allow us to reduce our energy footprint. We’re at the leading edge in materials, products and the way we approach society’s needs, setting trends and taking real people as a reference to have an impact beyond our industry. Our most recent agreement with Sulapac, for sustainable packaging solutions, is another good example of collaboration as the new competition.
As the new year dawns, I’d like to thank you for your partnership and to join our journey towards excellence. I feel we’re going to be positively surprised again.
I also invite you to take space and time to think of the real values that matter in life: caring, sharing and building a better future for all. I wish you a Great New Year!
Tim Eaves
CEO & Co-founder