Quadpack Foundation


Ocean plastic pollution is one of the great environmental challenges faced by the packaging industry. Quadpack Foundation supported an ongoing study by Barcelona-based marine rescue centre CRAM Foundation to gather information on the extent of the problem.


2022 saw a new collaboration chapter open for long-term partners Quadpack and Natura Bissé. United by their wish to support educational projects, both companies put their corporate foundations at the service of teachers and children in the Catalonia region of Spain through ‘Project Difference’, led by Fundación Ricardo Fisas Natura Bissé.


Quadpack Manufacturing Quality Manager Claudia Barros always wanted to volunteer in a social project but never had the chance until she joined the company a year ago. During her onboarding in Barcelona, she was introduced to the Quadpack Foundation. Since then, she’s been involved in three different projects, helping young people build their skill sets and career plans.


In April 2022, Quadpack was certified as B Corp, a distinction given to a select group of 5,000-plus purpose-driven businesses around the world. We now belong to a community composed of global sustainability role models .


Eight Quadpackers from France have engaged in a volunteer project to help young people prepare for the job market. The project is part of Pro'Pulse, a free preparatory course with a personalised and comprehensive approach that facilitates access to apprenticeship for young people without qualifications.


Quadpack Foundation has partnered with UAB Research Park to support scientific research on microplastics and their effects on people and the environment. The foundation sponsored the 12th edition of Generació d’Idees, an initiative that aims to foster the entrepreneurial spirit and innovation culture among researchers and doctoral students, connecting them with the current challenges of industries.


From May to July, 13 volunteers from Quadpack went to the Casal dels Infants’ headquarters, in Barcelona, to share their knowledge and professional experiences with 18 people at risk of social exclusion. While Casal dels Infants covers the behavioural component of the training, the technical subjects are taught by experts – volunteers that work in organisations like Quadpack.


A Quadpack Foundation partner, the Catalan charity Fundació Impulsa connects businesses and students to help improve their opportunities. We interviewed Alejandra Manau, Executive Director, and Marta Miró, Programme Coordinator of Fundació Impulsa, about their projects' reach and importance.

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