Positive Impact


Embracing diversity

Quadpack Foundation collaborates with Fundación Ricardo Fisas to empower teachers and children with learning differences

2022 saw a new collaboration chapter open for long-term partners Quadpack and Natura Bissé. United by their wish to support educational projects, both companies put their corporate foundations at the service of teachers and children in the Catalonia region of Spain through ‘Project Difference’, led by Fundación Ricardo Fisas Natura Bissé.

Project Difference has a long history of supporting and training schoolteachers of children with learning differences such as dyslexia, ADHD, autism and giftedness, among others. Since 2016, more than 1,500 educators and 13,000 students have benefitted from the programme. Last year, Quadpack Foundation joined the initiative, giving funds to support the training of teachers from Escola Canigó, a cooperative school based in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat.

Besides the training, teachers have access to weekly mentoring sessions with experts, where they can talk about cases that concern them and agree on guidelines and support tools to apply in the classroom. School Cooperative President Marta Ortiz, who also teaches attention to diversity, says: “Our teachers are thrilled with the programme. Often, the school is the only support channel these children can access. The health system can only offer services to the most severe cases and some families can’t pay for private treatment, which is often long and expensive.”

By supporting Project Difference’s important work, Quadpack Foundation has the opportunity to fulfil its mission of having a positive impact on the communities which have given Quadpack a home.

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